. I was extremely impressed by Berlioz's Les Troyens at Royal Opera House. Anna Caterina Antonacci was out of this world portraying Cas...

Difficult? No, I seek perfection!
. I was extremely impressed by Berlioz's Les Troyens at Royal Opera House. Anna Caterina Antonacci was out of this world portraying Cas...
. Single tickets for Tosca performances in Nov/Dec 2012 going on sale on Monday, July 2 at 10am (PDT, GMT -7 hours), on the website of San F...
Angela Gheorghiu and Roberto Alagna, La Boheme act I The second night of La Boheme at Royal Opera House opened in front of a full house pack...
. Thanks, Kyoko! Nice meeting you! .
Angela Gheorghiu, Roberto Alagna, Nuccia Focile Curtail call La Boheme, June 23 More to come... .
The were two interviews published on the day after the first Boheme, one in Adevarul and the second one on Mediafax . By coincidence both h...
Scene change for act II. In front of the audience because of the broken curtain that caused that 30 minute delay at the beginning of the per...
Two days ago they were called "the Romeo and Juliette of opera". Today the same interviewer, Penny Marshall, entitles her article ...
Angela Gheorghiu and Roberto Alagna in La Boheme at Royal Opera House, June 19 Source: A's FB fan page . More photos on Angela's Fac...
Source: ITV News . Short & lovely footage from the rehearsal of La Boheme at Royal Opera House a few days ago + interview (1 minut...
I wish I had the ROH 1992 performance. Still looking for it. But I have the April 13, 1996 Met performance of La Boheme . Pretty close. In h...
This week's Something I like is not a video, but a photo. Angela Gheorghiu and Roberto Alagna . Found it on the internet. I won't pu...
Angela Gheorghiu and Saimir Pirgu, concert at Tuscan Sun Festival, Florence, June 12 Photo @Mediafax . On the occasion of this concert Angel...
Photo @ Umberto Visintini/New Press Photo Florence, June 11, 2012 . Firenze 12 giugno 2012 - Al via oggi la decima edizione del Tuscan Sun F...
These two videos are part of the concert starring Angela Gheorghiu and Roberto Alagna that took place in Prospect Park, New York in June 200...
. If you missed the interview Angela Gheorghiu gave to Marius Constantinescu for "Profil, poveste, personal" first time (in 2009) ...
A press release issued by Chicago Symphony Orchestra states: The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association is pleased to announce that soprano...
. I came across a twitter post and this photo. The post says (in Korean, but Google gave the approximate translation): Korea's first op...
"Again Martha?" you might say. Yes, again and again. YouTube is an endless spring of videos that put together reveal her entire c...