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Friday, October 23, 2009

Info Post
These are not my words. I wish I were this good with writing. I only translated the article with the permission of the author. After watching the last part of the interview I sat down in front of the computer and tried to put something down. I couldn't. What Angela said and how she said it impressed me too much. The sincerity, the smile, the look...
I had the story in my head but it wouldn't come out. Somebody else who watched the interview wrote this immediately after in an atempt to keep this moment close to the heart. These are thoughts coming out from a person who loves music, who appreciates Angela as much as I do. Beatrice, how did you know what I was thinking of, how I was feeling? It's amazing.
Good job, Mr Constantinescu! I regret there were only 3 episodes. Raise your hand those who want more! Thank you in the name of all those people who watched the interview but don't know how to tell you this!
Thank you, Mrs Gheorghiu, for being simply you!
Are you curious to know what else Angela said in the interview? Give me a couple of days. It's worth waiting.
The article is signed by Beatrice Lepadat (BIG THANK YOU) and published on You can read it in Romanian HERE. The translation is below.
The TV show “Profile, Story, Character”, whose broadcast started in fall 2009 on TVR Cultural, had the third and final episode with Angela Gheorghiu as guest on October 22nd 2009. What we have seen during 2 weeks was the meeting between two original people, each in her/his own way: Angela Gheorghiu for the sincerity of the confession, striking sometimes, and Marius Constantinescu who had a difficult mission. What questions to ask a world famous diva? And more than that, how to ask questions to an artist about whom people say is “capricious”?
But the young interviewer made everything flawless during this series of interviews. Neither the host nor the guest made us feel that they prepared in advance an impressive speech in order to be persuasive as professionals. For real professionals, also gifted with a great passion for art, each word comes out naturally but never randomly.
During this last part of the interview, Angela Gheorghiu talked about what we hadn’t known about her artistic personality (but not only) and also about what we should forget about her. I’m talking here about the portrait press built up assiduously – the image of a capricious, sometimes hysteric diva that does everything she wants and pushes everybody back for her to be in front position.
But her arguments against this idea made the point. Not by a perfect logic or loudly rhetoric, but using a sort of “resignation” of a human being aware of the inner beauty, who started to understand in time that the world or certain people are not necessarily the same.
Her face and voice haven’t shown any sign of annoyance (justified in this case). And she clearly stated from the beginning: “these negative things are not part of me”. I bet it’s enough to listen to her for two hours to understand that only such a person can deliver with sensibility the drama of a Tosca or a Violeta.
In any case, those who love her and followed her during this interview haven’t waited for polished speeches. The fans had the chance to witness again the overwhelming unforeseeableness of the artist. At a certain point you might get the impression that you already know what she’ll say next, that you know enough details of her biography to foresee a reaction or an answer. But Angela Gheorghiu is still fascinating by the originality shown at each public appearance.
In the end, the artist was asked if she lacks something in order to feel accomplished. Knowing her as positive and optimistic all the time, I was sure she would say “no”. But she surprised us again: with her countless accomplishments, with all the love she gets from an enthusiastic audience, she confessed that she still has unfulfilled dreams, that she hopes and ligers for more.
She freely but a little bit amused talked about Roberto Alagna’s jealousy (and it’s a pity that know we have to talk about him as “ex husband”) and about how she learned to accept this aspect. With the utmost sincerity the soprano revealed her inner and most hidden self without any trace of sensationalism or cheap novelty. In this context of revealing the personal life I can’t help mentioning the regret I feel watching images from the past with this couple inserted in the interview. But the nostalgia and sadness are soon tempered by the soft vibration of soprano’s words.
During “Profile, Story, Character”, Angela Gheorghiu proved us again that beauty defies time, that people still come to the opera in search of harmony. I’m sure that if these words had come from a prig teacher I would have turned the TV off. But the presence of the soprano is magnetizing and those who cherish her know that every word is true. She wanted to stress upon the importance of pronunciation in opera, this being the main reason why she hasn’t performed a Russian opera yet.
She has magic in speech, magic in her eyes and of course, in her voice. This is how the artist appeared during the dialog with Marius Constantinescu. I call this dialog rather than interview precisely because if we talked about sincerity it must be said that the producer of the broadcast hasn’t kept away from it. He hasn’t hidden the emotions, disappointments and satisfactions caused by the contact with the world of opera. Nowadays it seems that the pride of the high ratings broadcasts is that the moderators ask “uncomfortable” questions. With Marius Constantinescu I appreciated the fact that the questions, far away from being “easy”, have been “comfortable”, meaning that they help the guest feel good and tell everything as if talking to friends.
This was an unusual meeting of the Romanian audience with the famous diva. It ended too soon but there’s a consolation: “Profile, Story, Character” goes on and after three episodes we trust that it will continue as attractive and provoking as it started.



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