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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Info Post
Today I went to the office by subway. I don't usually do that because it's crowded. But I wanted to read the book I'm trying to finish and I can't do that while driving. It's always reading and listening to music. I turned on the Ipod and set it to "shuffle". The first song that started was "Parla piu piano" from Roberto's CD "The Sicilian". It's a beautiful love song.
It's the only song in Italian (that most of us can understand) on this CD. Listening to what he's saying, in that particular moment I wanted to think that it was written with a purpose and it was dedicated to .... someone... "...such great love would never be again".
Parla più piano e nessuno sentirà,
il nostro amore lo viviamo io e te,
nessuno sa la verità
neppure il cielo che ci guarda da lassù
Insieme a te io resterò,
amore mio, sempre così
Parla più piano e vieni più vicino a me
Voglio sentire gli occhi miei dentro di te,
nessuno sa la verità
è un grande amore e mai più grande esisterà
Insieme a te io resterò,
amore mio, sempre così
What a great way to start a day!


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